The best way to visit the zoo is with a dog. Because when you bring a dog, not only do you get to see cool animals, but the animals are interested in you.
Didn't get to make as many posts on the blog as usual yesterday. M&F went to the Los Angeles Zoo and took Shasta in her Service Vest.
The Zoo is always an mixed up place to be. Its a split between "Oh Wow! That is awesome to see that animal in person!" and "Dang. Its so sad to see the animals locked up in a cage with nothing to do like this". But since we love animals, we thought we would go check out the Los Angeles Zoo.
Like we say, the best way to visit a zoo is with a dog. All of the animals at the zoo become really interested in the dog, and most try to interact. Many animals revert back to their primal nature when they see a dog, so there were some exhibits where we were instructed not to stop in front of. We avoided the spots we were supposed to, but the scariest time of the day happend
in front of the gorillas.
We were just chillin in front of the gorillas, and none of them seemed to notice the dog at first. Then, all of a sudden, one jumped up from a rock 50 feet away and charged toward Shasta. Another gorilla picked up on it and came from the left side. It was frightening how quickly they made it to the window--didn't even have time to snap a picture even though the camera was out! When they got there the one of the left hit the window with its fist, and the window started to tremble. This pic above was snapped right after the gorillas charged. When you looked at how the top embankment of their enclosure was only 12 feet or so--we quickly realized that it was a discouragement for the gorillas to climb out of, but if they really wanted to, they could. So we left!
^This fox ignored us until it saw the dog, then came closer to get a better look.
^Even though it wasn't on the list of things to avoid, the Anoa was the most aggressive animal of the day. It totally lived up to this sign. Before we even got to the fence, we heard a snorting, and saw this anoa running back and forth, trying to battle Shasta. There was another anoa kept separate in the back area behind a fence, and it kept running back and forth, snorting in response to the first.

^The giraff in the middle was the only one that noticed Shasta, and it just stared!
It was kinda sad to see how these guys didn't have anything to do. They kept nibbling on some hanging palms, which had been hanging there so long it was just a brown twig. We realize that it would take extra effort, but we would love to see the zoo do things to keep the animals entertained, like changing out the hanging pieces daily.
^The tamarins were some of the cutest animals of the day, and this one was scared, and intrigued by Shasta.
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