Friday, December 31, 2010
Beer, Boobs & Pussy
Qtip, the cat on a leash, wearing clothes.
In front of some street art by Zombie and ?.
Fuck This Outfit
Qtip says "Fuck this outfit. Just take me on a walk!"
Monday, December 27, 2010
This Is How We Roll
Qtip likes to pull me on the skateboard on the leash. We've got a lot of video showing that, but you can really see her pulling here.
Qtip is the top cat on a leash on Melrose.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Qtip Wishes Merry Xmas!
Merry Christmas from Qtip the cat.
Friday, December 24, 2010
You Lookin at ME?!
Qtip gives me the 'Don't mess with me' look as I try to pose her for a pic.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Qtip Has a Neckface
Qtip staring hard at this hand tagged Neckface Shake Junt sticker.
Kitty Cat Skateboarding
Qtip loves skateboarding~
Monday, December 20, 2010
3A Kitty
Qtip chillin with a Kitty from 3A's Popbot series.
The kitty is the boss~
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Qtip Loves 3A
3A head honcho Ashley Wood, is known for his explicit drawings of girls with pussy, but this cat loves the 3A robot figures too.
Shown here checking out Peaceday Dropcloth and WWRP Sand Devil Damn Large Martin.
This Cat is a Sneakerhead
Qtip is the only cat that is a true sneaker head that we know about.
Here she is getting down with a pair of denim Supra Skytops.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Qtip Loves Army of One
Qtip is a big fan of Army of One's Grenade Boy.
As far as we know, she is the only feline member of the Army's street team~
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Qtip and Coarsetoys Pain
Qtip made a bed at the feet of Pain.
Pain is a 1/3 designer vinyl figure produced by Coarsetoys.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Griffith Park Tags
Snapped this shot of Qtip above some tags at Griffith Park.
A better shot of the cat than the tags, but tags from Frend, and Del
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Qtip Meets a Dog Near Alec Monopoly Street Art
We set Qtip up on this box to take a picture with a fresh new Monopoly Man spray painted piece by Alec.
But she saw a pug she wanted to meet so she hopped off the box. As you can see, Qtip is not shy around canines.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Qtip is The Fuck
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